2nd AET Symposium on SMART and ACSM Manufacturing (AETS2019)
Aug 19, 2019
The 2nd AET Symposium on SMART and ASM Manufacturing (AETS2019) was held on August 16-17 in Dublin, Ireland. AETS2019 was organized by the International Academy of Engineering and Technology. Some one hundred delegates from various countries attended the great event.
AETS2019 was organized as a union of academic researchers and industrial leaders to promote collaborations between academia and industry. Professor Fengzhou Fang, as the conference chairman, delivered an introduction on Atomic & Close-to-Atomic Scale Manufacturing (ACSM) during the opening ceremony. Ten distinguished experts from universities, research organizations, and companies shared their in-depth knowledge and insight addressing the development and applications of ACSM and the relevant technologies, stimulating extensive discussions during the event. Industrial exhibitions, on-site networking and technical tours were also organized during the conference. The International Academy of Engineering and Technology (AET) was founded with the aim at promoting international collaborations between academia and industry. AET recruits members all over the world, and has fellows who are internationally recognized experts in engineering and technology. Corporate members are encouraged to engage the research works of the academic members of AET, and often contribute to the information exchange within AET by presenting their views on industrial needs and perspectives.
AETS2020 will be organized next year with more details to be published on www.aet-ac.org.