Seminar: Industry 4.0: Value creation in integrated and data-rich manufacturing supply chains.

Jan 8, 2021
The lecture will be focused at providing a novel and cross-disciplinary view of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) where we will explore this paradigm shift in manufacturing through the lenses of business models (BMs) and intellectual property strategies (IPSs).
This approach addresses the knowledge gap created due to the fact that most academic and practitioner literature concerning the adoption of I4.0 are limited to the examination of related technologies and the associated operational benefits. As such, there is a limited understanding regarding a business-level account of the transformation across the manufacturing value chain which is affecting the businesses’ relationships in terms of how they collaborate, create and share data.
In this lecture we will have the opportunity to discuss how this unprecedented level of digitalisation, integration, knowledge codification and data exchange, right across the manufacturing value chain results in numerous challenges and opportunities to how manufacturers create, deliver and capture value.
Please register from the link below if you are interestd.