UK EPSRC SMART Project Kicked Off

May 08, 2020
An UK EPSRC Future Manufacturing Systems Grant - named as “A multiscale digital twin-driven smart manufacturing system for high value-added products (SMART)” was kicked off on 6th May 2020. The SMART project, receiving a total funding of £2.8M from the UK EPSRC, is led by our AET Fellow - Prof. Xichun Luo from the University of Strathclyde. The 4-year research project involves 10 senior research scientists from the University of Strathclyde, Advanced Forming Research Centre, the University of Huddersfield, Heriot-Watt University, the University of York and 7 industrial partners from Aerotech (UK) Ltd, Chitendai Ltd, Holoxica Ltd, Lanner Group Ltd, Loadpoint Ltd, Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe (UK) Ltd and Renishaw Ltd.
The project will start from an established baseline in a unique flexible and reconfigurable hybrid micromanufacturing system developed from a recently completed EPSRC project (EP/K018345/1) and advance beyond state-of-the-art of system modelling, digital, and artificial intelligence technologies. It will research and develop the underlying science and technology for the creation of a new generation smart digital twin-driven manufacturing system that can sense consumer needs and actively self-optimize for customised next generation high performance 3D products with enhanced productivity in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.